Trea’zur Cassidy
September 21, 2023
Nyima Williams
September 21, 2023
Trea’zur Cassidy
September 21, 2023
Nyima Williams
September 21, 2023Sterling Mitchell
This is the story of how God is revitalizing young people in Johnson City through LXI. Consider giving today to make our community a better place to grow up!
Revitalize: verb: to inspire something with new life and vitality. Read Sterling's story about what revitalization means to them below!
"LXI has offered me a structured environment where I can further develop my academic, social, and person skills. Through homework assistance and tutoring opportunities, it helps me do better with my education."
"LXI has also provided me with an amazing group of friends. Overall it has made me become a well-rounded individual. Over the summer we went to KAA and it gave me experience with the outdoors and outdoor activities. I also learned that I’m an amazing swimmer!"