Jed Rope
June 30, 2023
Jed Rope
June 30, 2023EVENTS
Jazzy Gardner
This is the story of how God is revitalizing young people in Johnson City through LXI. Consider giving today to make our community a better place to grow up!
Revitalize: verb: to inspire something with new life and vitality. Read Jazzy's story about what revitalization means to her below!

Meet Jazzy! Jazzy is 16 and a sophomore at Science Hill. She has been around LXI since 2017. Five words that describe Jazzy are independent, persistent, humble, loyal, and growing!
Jazzy moved to Johnson City in late 2015 and describes things as being very rough: "I was very anxious and nervous being new and being black in a mostly white populated area. I met a group of girls who were very sweet and took me in. Shortly after moving here I also lost two of my great uncles, one of which I was pretty close to. I also got into trouble trying to find myself and fit in.
I eventually came to LXI and a man named Chris helped me complete my community service hours for probation. What makes my life mine is the fact that I know what I've done and how far I've come. I get to see how much I've grown when I wake up everyday."
When Jazzy was asked what revitalization means to her, she said, "It doesn't mean waking up and every mistake I've ever made never happened or every wrong I've ever done has been erased. A new life means turning to God when those things happen and continuing to pray and talk to him after he's forgiven me for those things. Living my life for Jesus is a new life.
I've seen my life made new in many areas. I've begun to enjoy serving so much it's something I look forward to months prior. It gives me joy doing for those who don't have what I have. My heart has gotten bigger and although loving on people is hard to do all the time, it's something I have grown to love."
Because Jazzy has seen such a renewal in her own life, she wants that for those around her as well.
"I want to see God revitalize the way we look at our own community. We have a large homeless population and I just pray that more of us begin helping them. We see people go out of the country to help those in need, which is great, but I think we should take care of our own community too."