LXI Car Program
July 7, 2023
Sterling Sayers
September 21, 2023
LXI Car Program
July 7, 2023
Sterling Sayers
September 21, 2023Trea’zur Cassidy
This is the story of how God is revitalizing young people in Johnson City through LXI. Consider giving today to make our community a better place to grow up!
Revitalize: verb: to inspire something with new life and vitality. Read Trea'zur's story about what revitalization means to her below!
"My name is Trea’zur Cassidy and for over the past 5 months I have been enduring and loving the journey through the life of being a Christian. This did not all start in one day, like I said it’s a journey, and I've been on it and still walking for the last 5 months. I've always had an idea and belief in God, but that belief was never strengthened because I wasn’t a child born into the church or into knowing, deeply my God; who my father is."
"LXI was the path that led me and helped strengthen this journey. Building a safe space of community, finally being able to embrace and be surrounded by kids my own color. Kids and leaders who became more than my friends, my family."
"Along with the amazing people that LXI has introduced me to, LXI has helped shape me to be the strong leading young lady I am today, from taking me to KAA finding my passion in meeting and learning from different walks of life to sparking inspiration for not only my, but LXI’s future and fulfilling opportunity of the journey I am on today. LXI, my family saw something in me and helped me foresee what I want in my future."